About the Journal


Focus and Scope

The presence of the Jurnal Ilmiah GEMA PERENCANA is a means of publication of "Policy Papers" from planners, researchers, lecturers, and academics related to the study of Social, Education, Economics, and Spatial Planning in the scope of religion and religious.

The publication of the results of the above studies can be accessed openly through the Open Journal System (OJS) through the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) license in the online form, with a publication frequency of 3 (three) times in 1 (one) year, namely: April; August; and December.


Article Writing Requirements

  • Articles have never been published in other media or journals. The author includes an “Author’s Statement Letter” (a sample can be duplicated as attached in this Journal). The letter is included on the home page and included in one file when submitting/uploading.
  • Authors must follow the pattern (style) and systematics of article writing as stated in the “TEMPLATE” of this Journal.
  • Authors are required to follow the instructions of the “Author Guidelines” in this Journal.
  • Authors need to understand the “Review Process” of this Journal.
  • Writing is done by paying attention to the rules for the use of punctuation and spelling contained in the Indonesian Language Development Committee. 2000. Guidelines for Improved Indonesian Spelling. Jakarta: Language Center, Department of National Education.
    Article writing is saved in the file: Microsoft Word, size A4.
  • The article is typed using the font type: GEORGIA 12 points and the spacing settings are according to the TEMPLATE (for Arabic-Latin transliteration using the font type: TIMES NEW ARABIC according to the Joint Decree of the Minister of Religion and the Minister of P & K of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 158/1987 and Number: 0543 b/U/1987 dated January 22, 1988).



Article writing is done systematically as follows:

  • Title. The title is a formulation of the main content of the discussion that is short, concise, and clear. The main variables of the research are listed in the title. The title is written in Indonesian and English.
  • Author's Name. The author's name is written in full and without a title. The author's name is written next to the abstract, complete with the name of the agency on duty and email address.
  • Abstract and Keywords. An abstract is an important component in a scientific paper, such as policy papers, articles, etc., using effective sentences, with a concise, clear, and concise presentation of the contents of the main problem, objectives, methods used, data/policy results obtained, and conclusions and recommendations. Make sure that the article discussed in this "writing" is related to "Development Planning Policy in the fields of Social, Education, Economic, and Spatial in the scope of Religion and Religious Affairs. The abstract contains 200-250 words. Keywords are written below the abstract, between 3 (three) to 5 (five) words/phrases.
  • Introduction. The introduction is a discussion that includes: (1) background and problem statement/identification, (2) problem description, (3) objectives and benefits (objective), (4) theoretical framework/conceptual framework/thinking framework, and (5) literature review.
  • Methodology. This section is an explanation of the methods used in writing the article.
  • Results and Discussion. This section presents theories, concepts, existing policy regulations or other relevant references that will be used to analyze the issues/problems stated in the problem statement. Based on the results of the analysis and discussion, a "Policy Solution" will be produced which may be a solution to solving the problem. The policy solution can produce several "Policy Alternatives", both the latest alternatives according to social dynamics and developments of the times and those that have been carried out by other agencies/countries that have faced similar problems. In addition, policy alternatives can also be obtained from the results of expert discussions, study results, research results, journal articles, proceedings, books, or other relevant references.
  • How to Present Tables. The table title is displayed in the left margin, written in Georgian 10 font, with 1 space. The words "Table" and "number" are written in bold, while the table title is written normally. Use numbers (1, 2, 3, etc…) for the table headings. The inclusion of sources or table notes is placed below the table, left aligned, using Georgia size 9 after 6.
  • How to Present Images, Graphs, Photos, and Diagrams. Images, graphs, photos, and diagrams are written in the left margin (left), written in Georgian 10 font, with 1 space spacing. Captions for pictures, graphs, photos, and diagrams are written under the illustrations. The words “pictures,” “graphics,” “photos” “diagrams” and “numbers” are written in bold, while the contents of the information are written normally. Use numbers (1, 2, 3, etc…) for numbering pictures, graphs, photos, and diagrams. The inclusion of sources or explanations is placed below the illustrations, left aligned, using Georgia size 9 after 6. Illustrations of pictures, graphs, photos, and diagrams are in black and white unless the color determines the meaning.
  • Conclusion and Recommendation. The contents contained in the "Conclusion" must answer the existing "problem formulation". So, the conclusion is not a rewrite of the discussion and also not a summary, but a brief explanation in the form of complete sentences or in the form of sequential conclusion points. The conclusion is a synthesis of the main findings discussed in the analysis and discussion sections of policy options, not repeating paragraphs or sentences (copy-paste) from the previous section. Meanwhile, "Recommendations" contain considerations for stakeholders in decision-making and policy-making based on the topics discussed. Policy recommendations must really have a substantive relationship with the problem formulation and analysis/discussion of the problem (coherence) and must be to the point addressed to the party with authority, not in the form of suggestions or appeals.
  • Acknowledgments (if any): Acknowledgments are addressed to if an article is based on team research funded by a particular institution. Acknowledgments can also be addressed to parties who play a role, such as supervisors or reviewers, in writing articles.
  • References (Bibliography). Elements that are written in references, successively include: (1) the author's name is written in the following order: last name, first name, and middle name, without an academic degree (period); (2) year of publication (period); (3) title, including subtitle (period); (4) place of publication (colon); and (5) name of the publisher (colon). The reference system uses the form of a note, not a footnote or endnote. References are written in left-right alignment (justify) in the Jurnal Ilmiah GEMA PERENCANA referring to the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th writing system, hanging 0.75, using Georgian 12pt font, spaced 1 after 6, arranged alphabetically. The minimum number of references is 10: 40% books and 60% journals, with a maximum age of publication in the last 10 years.