Author Guidelines
The Editor of the JURNAL ILMIAH GEMA PERENCANA accepts articles from Planners, Researchers, and Academics in the fields of Social, Economic, Educational, and Spatial in the perspective of Religion and Religious. Provided that the article has never been published in other media or journals; articles are written in Indonesian or English following the rules of their respective languages, equipped with abstracts and keywords in English and Indonesian (bilingual).
All parts of the writing, from the title to the reading source, follow the writing style and systematics in this Journal TEMPLATE, a minimum of 15 pages and a maximum of 20 pages, using A4 size paper. Typing is done using 12-point Georgian font (for Arabic-Latin transliteration using Times New Arabic font following the Decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs and the Minister of Education and Culture of Republic of Indonesia No. 158/1987 and No. 0543 b/U/1987 dated January 22, 1988).
Article writing is carried out with the following systematization:
- Title. The title is a brief, concise, and clear formulation of the subject matter. The title has listed the main research variables. The title is written in Indonesian and English.
- Writer's name. The author's name is written in full and without a title. The author's name is written next to the abstract, complete with the name of the agency in charge and email address.
- Abstract and Keywords. The abstract is the essence of the main subject of the entire manuscript, which includes; background, problem formulation, research questions, research methods, theoretical framework, research findings, and conclusions. Written in one paragraph in two languages, namely English and Indonesian, briefly, concisely, and clearly. Abstract maximum 250 words. Keywords are written below the abstract, between 3 (three) to 5 (five) words/phrases.
- Introduction. The introductory section is a discussion that includes: (1) background, (2) research problem, (3) objectives and uses (objective), (4) theoretical framework/conceptual framework/theoretical framework), and (5) hypothesis (if any). Preferably, the author begins this introductory section with the formulation of the research problem or research findings.
- Methodology. This section is an explanation of the methods used in the research.
- Results and Discussions. This section is the core of the research results, including data description and analysis of research results as well as the author's interpretation of the discussion of research results. The discussion is carried out in-depth and focused on using theoretical references. The use of graphs and tables should be limited if they can still be presented in brief writing.
- Table Presentation Method. Table titles are displayed in the left margin, written in Georgian 10, with 1 space between them. The words "Table" and "number" are written in bold, while the table title is written normally. Use numbers (1, 2, 3, etc…) for numbering table titles. References or table captions are placed below the table, left aligned, using Georgia size 9 after 6.
- Images, Graphs, Photos, and Diagrams Presentation Method. Pictures, graphs, photos, and diagrams are written in the left margin, written in Georgian 10 font, with a distance of 1 space. Captions for pictures, graphs, photos, and diagrams are written below the illustrations. The words "pictures," "graphics," "photos" "diagrams" and "numbers" are written in bold, while the contents of the description are written normally. Use numbers (1, 2, 3, etc…) for numbering pictures, graphs, photos, and diagrams. Sources or captions are listed below the illustration, left aligned, using Georgia size 9 after 6. Illustrations, graphics, photos, and diagrams are in black and white unless color dictates meaning.
- Conclusions and Recommendations. The conclusion is the last part of the entire manuscript that can answer the problem formulation and hypotheses, written concisely that contains sufficient information so that the reader knows. In addition, it also contains recommendations that contain the possibility of further research, and the potential of the method used can be included.
- Acknowledgments (if any): Acknowledgments are addressed if an article is based on a research team funded by a particular institution. Acknowledgments can also be addressed to those who played a role, such as supervisors or Reviewers, in writing the article.
- References (Bibliography). The elements written in the reference, respectively, include: (1) the author's name is written in the following order: last name, first name, and middle name, without an academic degree (period). (2) year of issue (period). (3) title, including subtitle (period). (4) place of publication (colon): and (5) name of the publisher (period). The referral system uses the form of innote, not footnote or endnote. References are written in a left-right alignment (justify) in the Scientific Journal of Echoes of Planners referring to the writing system of the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th, Hanging 0.75, using 12pt Georgian font, spaced 1 after 6, arranged in Alphabet. Minimum number of references is 10: 40% books and 60% journals, with a maximum publication age of 10 years.